Wendell Gilliard
Born and Bred in District 42
Wendell Gilliard has made his home and lived his entire life in Charleston. Born July 1, 1954, the son of the late William and Sinclair Gilliard, Rep. Gilliard lives in Charleston. He has three children, April Sinclair, Wendell G., and Keith Demon, who attended local public schools. He knows our neighborhoods, our traditions, our values and our needs because he is one of us.
A Life long Commitment to Charleston
Wendell Gilliard has made his home and lived his entire life in Charleston. Born July 1, 1954, the son of the late William and Sinclair Gilliard, Rep. Gilliard lives at 1237 Marvin Avenue in Charleston. He has three children, April Sinclair, Wendell G., and Keith Demon, who attended local public schools. He knows our neighborhoods, our traditions, our values and our needs because he is one of us.
Being raised on the East side at 69 Harris Street is something that Representative Wendell Gilliard will always treasure. It was there that he was taught how to love, care, and respect others and to never forget from whence he came. His parents taught Wendell to always reach for higher goals in life, not just for himself, but to serve and help others as he passed along the way. On the East side, they didn’t tell each other “I have mine, now you go get yours!” It was expressed that “Here is some of mine, now let me show you how to share!”
For Wendell Gilliard, that commitment to serve his community motivated him to enter the arena of public service. He served his community as a member of the Charleston City Council for eleven years.
In 2008, Wendell Gilliard took that commitment of community service to the next level and was elected to represent the people of Charleston in District 111, of the South Carolina House of Representatives.

A History of Achievement
Wendell Gilliard has always been an advocate for the people he represented, even at his own personal risk. On City Council, he sponsored to declare the Klu Klux Klan a terrorist organization, was fired from his place of employment for exposing unsafe working conditions, and worked tirelessly to improve public safety and infrastructure.
He has continued that history of accomplishment in the South Carolina House where he has, among other things:
- Sponsored and Seen passed the Clementa Pinckney Hate Crimes Law
- Received a Grade A+ from SCEA (SC Education Association)for his tireless work to close the achievement gap and improve our schools
- Sponsored and Passed the Body Camera Law
- Sponsored legislation to make our neighborhoods and communities safer, including a ban on the purchase of military style assault rifles
He is deeply concerned about the issues we face on a daily basis such as housing, health care, education and jobs.

Many times, what we have fought for and accomplished in the House has run into a dead end in the State Senate.Serving as your Senator will enable me to continue the fight to:
- Pass the Hate Crimes Act in the Senate, where it had languished during the last session,
- Bring state funding to our neglected schools that change them from among the worst in the CCSD and the nation to the best in the county, state, and nation,
- Address the safety of all our residents, young and senior, ignored in neighborhoods that have the highest crime rates in the county,
- Focus the attention of the Senate on taking meaningful actions to combat the highest rate of unemployment in Charleston and commit necessary state resources to support and develop Black economic empowerment,
- Bring State Resources to the fight against gentrification and for truly safe, affordable housing.
Wendell Gilliard has been our voice and our advocate in the House. We need him in the State Senate. We can get him there if we work together to support and vote for him.
We the People - Stronger Together
Vote Wendell Gilliard
SC Senate 42